Estrogen is a hormone that is present in all bodies and produced by both men and women. This hormone is necessary for reproduction, maintaining bone density, heart health, brain function and much more. Yet, what happens when there is an overproduction or under elimination of estrogen and/or estrogen mimickers in our bodies?
Estrogen dominance is a hormone imbalance that happens when there is a buildup or over production of estrogen in our bodies. It can also occur from exposure to xenoestrogens (estrogen mimickers). This can cause fatigue, weight gain, irritability, depression, bloating, sugar cravings, hair loss or thinning, low libido, irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats and a myriad of other health concerns.
When my patient, Tammy, came into the office experiencing some of the above symptoms I knew estrogen dominance was the cause. The buildup of estrogen in Tammy’s body was wreaking havoc on her life. She couldn’t seem to get enough sleep, had unexplained weight gain, was irritable, had low libido, and a constant sweet tooth. Worst of all, she was internalizing all of her symptoms. As women, it is easy to turn blame inward with thoughts like “if i could just exercise more, I would lose weight” or “it’s my fault i’m irritated and snappy throughout the day”. These thoughts end up putting more stress on our minds and bodies while creating a vicious cycle of exhaustion and dead end health goals.
The good news is that estrogen dominance is a fixable condition. The first step is to get your liver functioning optimally so that you can process your hormones appropriately. You need to be able to change your estrogens from stronger forms to weaker forms in a timely manner. The next step is a healthy diet as a foundation for hormonal balance. When our bodies are overloaded from eating inflammatory foods we can not break down and eliminate hormones as effectively. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet that is free from sugars, alcohol, and other foods that can irritate our system gives our bodies a reset and allows our hormones to be produced, broken down, and eliminated in an optimal fashion.
Tammy started with Back to Balances Detox & Cleanse liver and gut detoxification program and within months her symptoms had resolved. Not only was Tammy symptom free but she was able to discover what foods inflamed her body. Keeping her diet free from her specific food sensitivities has allowed her hormones to become and stay balanced. Tammy is one of many who have benefited from the Detox & Cleanse program. Check out my interview with Sarah about her experience with the Detox & Cleanse.
It is good to keep in mind that estrogen dominance can happen at any point in a person’s life. Sometimes we associate perimenopause and menopause with lowered estrogen, however, women can still experience estrogen dominance during these changes. Estrogen dominance can also happen independently of estrogen excess. Most women who are experiencing estrogen dominance can have completely normal blood work, and yet excess estrogen is being stored in the body.
If you suspect estrogen dominance might be causing symptoms for you or would like a more hands on guided approach to getting your hormones balanced, call our office at 970-963-6500 to schedule a consultation.